In case you don’t know, Iceland is expensive. But don’t let that stop you from visiting the marvelous landscape Iceland has to offer. Here are some helpful tips if you want to visit Iceland on a budget.
1. Visit during Off Peak Season
Summer months, June til September are when most people visit where the weather is warm and the day is long. Unfortunately, everything gets expensive. Visiting Iceland during off-peak season can help save you on plane ticket and hotel significantly, plus you can’t see Aurora Borealis in summer.

2. Stay in a Hostel
If you aren’t picky about accommodation, staying at a hostel can save you a lot. A typical hotel room can run you $100 to $200 a night even during off-peak. I paid $40 for a bed in a share dorm. If you need more privacy, some hostels offer private room where you can fit 4 people for $100 a night. Check out Hostel International Iceland where you can get more discount if you are a HI membership. Believe me the money you would pay for the membership will pay it off in discount.
Other thing about staying in a hostel is, during off-peak season there is less people. I stayed in a hostel in Vagnsstaðir HI Hostel near Glacier Lagoon and I was the only one staying in the hostel. It was the best $40 I spent in Iceland.

2. Drink Tap Water
DO NOT buy bottles of water in Iceland. Pack a canteen and fill it up with tap water. It’s completely safe to drink. It’s fresh from the glacier , so no need to filter. I thought tap water in Swiss Alps tastes best but here is even better.

3. Icelandic Hot Dog will save you $$
Eating out in Iceland is expensive. A simple burger and fries can set you back $20. Instead, Iceland has a very tasty hot dog which sold everywhere and costs you less than $5. Eat this for lunch few times and that could save you quite a bit. And you can use that money to splurge on a nice meal if you want to. Check out this post I talk about hot dogs in Iceland.

4. Bonus Supermarket is Your Best Friend
If you need to buy food or snack, stop at Bonus Supermarket. You’ll find the price here is lower than other store , compared to other convenient stores like 1011. I stocked up bread and lunch meat, even fruits and made a lunch box. That helped me save some money and time instead of finding a restaurant for lunch. You can find their location here Here

Photo Credit Bonus Supermarket
5. No to Blue Lagoon.Hello Local Hot Springs.
I know Blue Lagoon is a tourist destination in Iceland. Yes, I went there and it costs me $80 to sit in a big hot blue pool. It’s pretty for sure but to be honest, it’s not really worth it. But I would say experiencing a hot spring in Iceland is a must do and Iceland has plenty of it all around the country besides the Blue Lagoon. I had a very fun evening strike a conversation locals ( and other tourists from around the world) at a local hot spring in Vik. If you really want to experience the nature, check out my post about Hiking to Reykjadalur Hot Spring – and it’s free.

6. Buy Booze when Arrive at the Airport- we don’t judge.
Tax Tax Tax Tax Tax. You probably find the most sticker prize shock from alcohol. The state gets more than 80% to its retail price. A 1 liter of vodka will cost you $60 while typically sold for $20 in the US. One thing you can do is buying a bottle of alcohol at duty free shop when you arrive at the airport. In case you need to get a drink at a bar when you go out, get a beer instead of liquor . Because alcohol tax is calculated from the amount of alcohol volume.

7. Go Diesel
To better explore this magnificent country, it’s better to hire a car. I talked to a couple from France who did’t get a car and they paid almost $60 for a taxi just to go to dinner. So bite a bullet and pay for a car but choose wisely because petro in Iceland is again expensive. To save some money, get a car using diesel. It’s cheaper and will last you longer.

There you have it, 7 ways to save $$ when you visit Iceland. Don’t let high cost of travelling stop you from visiting this wonderful country.
Do you have other great ways to save money? Share your tips with us.

All photos taken by Patt W unless credited otherwise. All rights reserved and can not be used or published without my permission.
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